Setting Up for a Successful School Year

School is already back in session and your kids may now at home with you. You may not have planned for this, you may not be ready, but it’s going to be okay.  Let me help you set your school year up for success.

With plenty of options, including hybrid schooling, virtual schooling, homeschooling, and traditional schooling, you may be a bit frazzled. We all are! As a mom who has been homeschooling her kids for the last fifteen years and still going strong, I’m here to share a few things I have learned along the way, no matter what schooling option you may have chosen.

1.Read to your children.

Our local libraries are now open for curbside pickup. They will even put together a collection of books, based on age and interest. Read aloud to children who can read on their own. A great book to check out on this topic is “The Enchanted Hour: The Miraculous Power of Reading Aloud in the Age of Distraction” Meghan Cox Gurdon.

2. Keep a school routine.

Children and adults alike thrive on routine and knowing what comes next. Set clear start and stop times for school.

3. Fresh air and exercise.

Aim for at least thirty minutes each day of outside time. I like to set a goal for a weekly hike at one of our local Metroparks and take a hike. Nature and fresh air help myself and my children feel more centered

4.Take mini school breaks

When the day is rough it’s okay to take a break.There is no shame in knowing your limits. Stress levels are high right now as the world turned upside down. Relax!

5. Don’t compare yourself to others.

Above all, know that the comparison game is the thief of all joy. We are all on our own journey doing the best we can. Someone else’s success does not mean your failure. A little progress every day will prove enormous results.

6. Be the change.

Above all, your attitude for the next season will determine the attitude of those around you. Think carefully of how you are presenting each situation.

7. Feed them

I know this sounds rather obvious but children are ALWAYS hungry, maybe that’s just mine. I make sure to have lots of healthy snacks ready to go. Some days I create snack trays full of veggies, fruits, crackers and dips. Think of a kid friendly charcuterie tray. Check out this Pinterest search for inspo.

This school year is sure going to challenge us, but we will get through this.

Also check out my post from March COVID-19 Quarantine With Kids
For book suggestions and ideas on helping kids through this stressful time check out this post from June Helping Kids Cope With the World Right Now