Social Media Detox

There is a detox plan for just about everything. Did you know social media is one you should regularly detox? I’m not just talking about taking a break from screens, which you should do. I’m talking about really digging into the feelings you get when you are online interacting with others. Envy? Anger? Sadness? Joy? …

Mom Wisdom: Balancing Act

Mom Wisdom brought to you today by Britt Laux One of the first questions I got when I published my first book was, “How did you do it???” The question mainly came from women with young kids (like me) and they weren’t asking about how I wrote the book. It was a desperate question, asking …

Mom Wisdom: Cereal For Dinner

Cereal for dinner, it’s what wise woman resort to on the days that seem to never end. Not every meal needs to be #instaperfect. #momwisdomwednesdays Wisdom Brought to You Today, by Sara H. We have all had those busy days, Rush to the school pick up line, Rush to soccer practice, ballet or tennis practice …